
take cheapest flights available

Once you are here in Europe, with some sort of homebase, (for me, it's Norwich, UK) constantly look for cheap flights. You will find flights for under $50 all the time. sometimes, $20 if you are constantly looking. Be open to where you go, just buy the cheap flights. Then you worry about what hostel to stay at, etc. A great resource is Rome2Rio, it will help you find the cheapest flights and trains. You can also set it up to notify you when there are ridiculously low airfair. That is how we found £12 rountrip tickets to Madrid. I lagged like a week and they went up to 30, but still cheap AF. We found an amazing hostel in the middle of all the cool stuff for $15 a day and we booked an entire 8 bed room, there were 8 of us. If you can do this, it's so much fun! get a group of friends to agree to go somewhere and make everyone buy their tickets within a week ish... then get a big hostel room together. Party time! While at the hostel, they kept giving us free alcohol! There

Travel Europe on the Cheap!

You can travel all over Europe for so cheap. The hardest part is making up your mind to do it, doing the planning, taking the time off work and buying the plane tickets to Europe and home. Like anything done well, it takes research. This time spent researching will not only save you tons of money, it will make sure you have the most fun and do all the cool things you want to do. I am here in the United Kingdom, doing my MA in Scriptwriting and Creative Writing. This was part 1 of my plan to travel (and meanwhile get my Masters). I did the research and got it fully funded. Part 1, check! Next I came a month before my MA started and got settled in, then booked a cheap trip to Italy. I didn't care where I went, I just wanted to leave England before my classes started. So, I looked for the cheapest flights in Europe. The next week there were round trip tickets to Milan, from London for £39 or around $54. WOW! Right? Wait, I forgot one of my highest rules of budget travel: Go w