Travel Europe on the Cheap!

You can travel all over Europe for so cheap. The hardest part is making up your mind to do it, doing the planning, taking the time off work and buying the plane tickets to Europe and home.

Like anything done well, it takes research. This time spent researching will not only save you tons of money, it will make sure you have the most fun and do all the cool things you want to do.

I am here in the United Kingdom, doing my MA in Scriptwriting and Creative Writing. This was part 1 of my plan to travel (and meanwhile get my Masters). I did the research and got it fully funded. Part 1, check!

Next I came a month before my MA started and got settled in, then booked a cheap trip to Italy. I didn't care where I went, I just wanted to leave England before my classes started. So, I looked for the cheapest flights in Europe. The next week there were round trip tickets to Milan, from London for £39 or around $54. WOW! Right?

Wait, I forgot one of my highest rules of budget travel: Go where you have friends you can stay with. I will do this in detail in a later post. But, I looked for the cheapest city in Europe where I had friends. Last summer that meant, Milan and Rome, Italy. Paris and Lyon, France. Norway. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Berlin and Germany.

Milan was cheapest.

Once traveling, I've picked up secrets of how to travel cheaper, special sites I've never heard of, etc. I'll tell you all of it. I want to share this all and help more people open up their world!

Since last August, not counting the places within the UK, I've also gone to Madrid and am going to Berlin in two weeks and Lisbon, Portugal next month. It may not sound like tons, but remember I am also doing  a Master's program, I gotsta study! Plus I do lots of day or two day trips around England.

I am going to do a quick post about each place and the logistics of how I did it cheap. 


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